Transmission failure rarely happens out of the blue - there’s a good chance a transmission will give you a good amount of warning before kicking the bucket. Here are some things you can watch out for, from our team here at Lee's Auto Repair in Independence, MO.
We’ve all been here: You start up your vehicle in the morning and begin to back out of the driveway. Before your hand reaches the volume dial on the stereo to crank up your favorite morning radio duo, you hear a noise coming from your car. A vehicle shouldn’t make that noise, yet yours is. And it sounds bad. But is it?
It’s easier than ever to keep your fleet running smoothly for thousands of miles. If a vehicle has less than 50,000 miles on it today, chances are it still has 75 percent of its driving life ahead of it. That’s good news if you’re a company managing a fleet of vehicles. It wasn’t that long ago that hitting the 100,000-mile mark on the odometer was a major milestone. Today, vehicles are built to last. With the proper maintenance and attention, there’s no reason you shouldn’t expect to see that 50,000-mile reading on the odometer one day roll right past 200,000 and keep ongoing. Here at Lee's Auto Repair, we're going to give you some tips on how to make that happen!
There can be a lot of uncertainty around remanufactured components. What are they, what does remanufactured mean, and when are they a good choice? Remanufactured components offer a cost-effective way to repower, rather than replace, a fleet vehicle. This article aims to clear up some of the confusion around remanufactured components and offer some insight into why they are the right choice. Here’s what you need to know, from Lee's Auto Repair in Independence, MO.
As cars become more technologically advanced, the importance of your vehicle’s battery becomes more important. In the old days, a car battery essentially worked, or it didn’t; if it was good enough to start the car, it was good enough. Modern vehicles are a different story. A faulty battery can cause a variety of issues, including engine codes, sensor failures, irregular transmission behavior, and the list goes on.
Battery failure often causes issues that are commonly misdiagnosed, and in the hands of the wrong auto repair shop, a mechanic may spend hundreds of your hard-earned dollars chasing problems that don’t exist. At Lee's Auto Repair in Independence, MO, our mechanics are familiar with modern vehicles and the problems that accompany them.
Travelling can be difficult, and traveling can be fun. The difference usually comes down to how much preparation you do in advance, and how many unplanned obstacles you meet along the way. A great way to avoid setbacks, mishaps, and stressful situations is to make sure your car, truck, or SUV is ready to hit the road. Here are some important points to check before travelling, from Lee's Auto Repair in Independence, MO.
Sometimes a tire goes flat over the course of days, weeks, or even months. A leak like this never has an obvious cause - so why is your tire losing air? From Lee's Auto Repair in Independence, MO, here’s some info on leaky tires.
Flat tires are a huge inconvenience. The only thing worse than having a flat on your way home from work is having to wait on a tow truck to come to get you. Lee's Auto Repair in Independence, MO wants to give you some tips on how to change your own tire so that you can keep money in your pocket and get your car back on the road.
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